Mahendra T

Mahendra T

Mahendra T works for Indium software as a Senior Test Engineer and has an overall 4+ years of experience in the field of Security Testing. He is an expert in Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing and worked on different security testing tools like Burp suite, OWASP ZAP, Wireshark, Nessus, OpenVAS, Kali Linux distributed tools.

Pirate Kings – All About It

Pirate Kings is one of the games has an experience which is very addictive for the player or the user who is playing this game. The name ‘pirate’ in itself draws attention to many users worldwide. The term itself signifies or justifies for the game to be adventurous and something...

5 Tips for Creating Your Business Intelligence Strategy

Big data is inevitable. There is perhaps no other way to keep abreast and relevant in today’s business landscape than to harness the intelligence capabilities of data that are incessantly generated, collected and transferred daily. An organization loses a huge opportunity if it leaves these data unstructured and unprocessed. Aside...

SEO In Budget: Hire The Right Agency For Your Website!

Singapore is known for its flourishing ecommerce industry, and almost every local business has a website. While the trend is encouraging, this also means that competition is fierce. If yours is a small business that’s trying to become a brand, you need to focus on online marketing. It all starts...

Why You Need To Switch To Digital Marketing Introducing a new product to your mix or starting a new business comes with a big responsibility. You have to ensure that the product or business is a success and the funds you pumped into the idea come back tenfold. Well, it is worth noting that it is not...

Some powerful social media marketing tips

You might have heard different theories and perspectives on the use of social media in business. Some are true and some a based on false assumptions, but it is extremely important for us to believe in all the right things when it comes to making the use of social media...

Types of Web Application Firewall

To block, monitor or filter outbound and in-bound web application traffic, a web application firewall is used. They have a strong grip on the traffic and provide intense analysis of data flow. While IPS/IDS act as gatekeepers for network traffics, WAF only looks read article out for the attacks from...

Different Processes of Online Marketing

Online marketing plays a key role in business life. Everyone wants to be up-to-date, but it's not an easy task, as this area changes day by day. We'll give you 10 tips to make your online marketing easier. Learn the format of text ads Bing, Yahoo, and Google ads also...

Accessing Envisioned Ethereum Currency with Set of Operations

Ethereum is known to be a global, open-source platform, especially for decentralized applications. It is an open-source & public blockchain based distributed computing platform which is used for building decentralized applications. So, before Ethereum got introduced, blockchain applications were designed has a very limited set of operations. Bitcoin and other...
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