Mahendra T

Mahendra T

Mahendra T works for Indium software as a Senior Test Engineer and has an overall 4+ years of experience in the field of Security Testing. He is an expert in Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing and worked on different security testing tools like Burp suite, OWASP ZAP, Wireshark, Nessus, OpenVAS, Kali Linux distributed tools.

How to develop your business Instagram profile popular? 

If you are an entrepreneur, then you would probably know the use of Instagram in which nowadays most of the business entrepreneurs are focusing on social media sites for promoting their business products and services. Now, you can improve the growth of your business and Instagram profile in organic way...
Tech Updates

Boost Your Profits And Traffics Effectively

It is important to work effectually based on the targets. You could achieve the target while working suitably and efficiently. Thus if you have a target to enhance your business recognition by increasing the traffic rate of the pages and profiles of social media platforms, then you have to do...

Importance Of Hiring The Right App Developer 

In the current times, approximately 85% of people prefer using apps over websites. Apps have slowly emerged as the lifeline of every business, and the right service scan is the icing on the cake. Hiring the right talent to develop an app is of utmost importance which should not be...

4 Practical Ways To Stay Prepared for Emergencies

Do you know what to do when an emergency situation arises? Having a good plan in place is essential to protecting your home and your household. In addition, there are steps you can take to make sure you and your family have everything you need to stay safe during the...
Social Media

Why Is Social Media Taking Over?

Over 3.8 billion people are on social media, and by the middle of 2020, the number is expected to reach one half of the world's total population. That's a lot of people checking their Pinterest, Snapchat and Twitter accounts from a phone, desktop or tablet. More and more people are...
Tech Updates

APK Editor

By the name itself anyone can understand the main purpose performed by the apk editor. Yes, that is the main task of this app. The apk editor is for the editing of apk files on the device. However, the apk editor performs the task indicated by its own name. Sometimes...

Valorant Boosting- Everything An Agent Needs To Know About 

What is valorant boosting? A valorant boosting enables newbie players to boost their competitive rank with the help of professional players. If you are hustling hard to improve your game ranking, you can simply delegate the task and come back with the game becoming more exciting and engaging. The team of valorant...

Should you buy YouTube subscribers?

So many things can send you to opening a YouTube channel, which will obviously pay off if you have highest number of views or highest number of subscribers. Actually, the more the views and subscribers the fatter the check that you’ll probably carry home. Either way, other than just revenues,...

What is Data Science as a Service

The advent of big data has made the already difficult task almost overnight an almost impossible task. Everyone at the company understands the importance of information technology and believes that information technology can solve any data problem. The interest in big data or data-science as a service related to newer...
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