
What are NFTs and How to Best Protect Them

  A Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) is a unique digital asset that is non-interchangeable and is kept in blockchain-based storage. It has skyrocketed in popularity in the past year. And by the third quarter of 2021, the trading volume in this industry had already approached $11billion. NFTs are being used in...

ESG Revolution is Coming: Are You Ready?

  For more than a century, the world has been on a race, trying to identify solutions that could help reverse the challenges facing it. Global warming, human trafficking, draughts, and unending wars are still common in our news today. Recently, a multi-story building full of global offices and different...
Tech Updates

Is Binance US Safe? Everything You Need To Know

If you are into crypto tokens, you probably already know about Binance. It is currently, the most popular online exchange, where users can buy and sell cryptocurrencies. It supports most of the major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. Not just that, but it also provides a crypto wallet, where...

Epidemic and The Changes in Virtual Meetings

The coronavirus epidemic has fundamentally altered the manner in which we collaborate. Many people have found it difficult to make the required change. However, for forward-thinking corporations, this was more of an opportunity than a hindrance in this case. The Changes Are There Because of the coronavirus crisis, the world...

Digital Marketing Training: Why Is It Essential

Are you still hesitating to take digital marketing training? It is, however, an outstanding initiative. Whether to develop your own business or for the company that employs you, digital marketing is a fundamental tool in this digital age. It uses different digital approaches and tools, thus quickly gaining visibility with...

What You Do When Performing Network Maintenance

Business owners hire network administrators to manage their network and keep it operational. If an issue arises, the network administrators will complete vital tasks to correct these problems and ensure that their data is not compromised. A complete review of the network maintenance tasks shows business owners what to expect. ...

Top Pitfalls of Mobile Archiving

  Many people areusing mobile messaging applicationscontinuously in communicating with others. Employees in industries such as public service and financial also use these to connect with their clients. Several laws require businesses in these types of sectors to monitor instant text message recording and voice calls. Even though the fact...
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