archiveFebruary 2021


Do I really need to change my smartphone every year?

Every year there are certain things we are sure will happen: Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, people hanging Christmas decorations even before Thanksgiving, and smartphone companies releasing new versions of mobile phones. So it became a common and comprehensible question: do I need to change my smartphone every year? Sometimes...

What Is Pay Per Call Affiliate?

There are several models of affiliate marketing, but one which has been rising in the world of top digital internet marketing methods. One of the more up-and-coming models is Pay per call lead generation. This method has existed even before the internet as a means of aggregating demand and supply...
Tech Updates

How Do GPS Coordinates Work?

For many thousands of years, mankind has been able to figure out how to track their position and navigate. Sailors used the stars to navigate around the globe, and this was happening a long time ago, perhaps as far back as ancient Rome and China. Over the many centuries, we...

Why Companies Should Personalize Their Websites 

In the age of technology, the use of websites to promote a company’s brand can be argued to be an essential business function. But even if a company uses a website, that doesn’t automatically make it a success.  A successful website experience involves engagement with the customer, and the best...

Is private cloud apt for your business set-up?

A private cloud which we are about to discuss here is a set or cluster of servers that run virtualization software. The virtualization layer is used to work as a virtual machine. Thus, from the end of the user, it seems to be similar to any other server. A company...

Creative Ways to Use Hobby Lasers

With so many people spending time at home, it should come as no surprise that many Americans are picking up new hobbies. Learning a new craft can be an incredibly rewarding way to pass the time, especially during periods of stress, and laser cutters are the perfect tool to get...