archiveJune 2018


Introduction to Regular Expressions

One of the most important set of tools across programming languages, the command line, and computer science in general are Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions, (or Regex / Regexp for short) is a defined syntax for search patterns and looking up specific words, phrases or sequences of characters in a file....

Reasons why Offset Printing is still flourishing

Offset printing is also known as conventional printing. It got its name conventional as it is being used since very long. Earlier when the advertisements were mainly done through posters and hoardings, since that time offset printing is being used. It is a commonly used technique in which the inked...


Printing is one of the necessary parts for the running of a business whether it is the printing of business cards, logos, postcards, advertising media or any other similar things. Therefore, it is clear that printing is almost a necessity for almost all businesses irrespective of their types or size....

The Historic Monero Era

XMR monero is a decentralized cryptocurrency that is built using blockchain technology and works on CryptoNote protocol. Monero was founded in April 2014 under BitMonero and is used to send and receive payments. Monero easily runs on Mac, Android, Windows, and FreeBSD. The main reason why Monero was launched was to...

What should you Search in Aircraft Inventory Management Software

Maintenance of your aircraft has been deemed of great importance for the business. In case, you were in the aeroplane industry, you would be required to update yourself with the latest gadgets that would help your airplanes perform in the best manner possible. The ever-competitive industry would require you to...

All about the Benefits of a 3D Printer

We all are aware of the printer and it uses.  Apart from all traditional printers, there are some printers which are used during prototype design of a product. With the invention of the 3D printer there shows rapid growth in prototyping. There are many 3D printers of different brands available online and also...
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