The world is going online today. People are using the mobiles to browse the internet. The use of the mobiles has changed a lot with the easy availability of the internet and the internet accessing devices as well. As more and more people use the internet, the hackers are having a field day as well. The security systems available today are good but not adequate enough. The hackers have found out a way to infiltrate into the mobile systems hence putting the data at risk. There is a need for a strong security system to prevent the loss of data. Global Secured has come up with the strongest ECC encrypted messaging app in town. Let us look at the benefits of the secure app in brief.
Usually, people feel that their phones are secure because of the various external security measures available on the phones today. These measures include finger print sensors, iris recognition features, pattern locks, and so on. There are antivirus programs available that can take care of the harmful viruses that float in the internet and try to enter the system through clandestine means.
These measures make the phone secure. No one would be able to access the phones and thereby the phones can be termed as safe. However, the hackers are waiting to pounce on the smallest mistake from your side. The moment you send the messages out from your phone, they become vulnerable to attacks. This assumes greater significance when you transmit vital financial information. This could be bank account numbers, passwords, credit card details, etc. This is what the hacker has been waiting for a long time.
There is no need to fear when you use the secure messaging app from Global Secured. This app ensures that it encrypts the data entirely. The existing PGP system does not encrypt the message headers, the receiver / sender information, and other message parts such as images, logos, videos, and voice messages. Hence, the PGP is a safe but still vulnerable system as far as security aspect is concerned. Hackers have managed to gain access to the phones by breaking the PGP Blackberry Secure Email Encryption systems.
This is not possible with the ECC 521. This system encrypts the entire data along with the photos, videos, and chat messages as well. This system also ensures to encrypt the message headers and the other vital information. This makes it practically impossible for the hacker to try to gain access to the data.
Another important aspect of this security system is that it has the facility to self-destruct the messages if required. You can set the frequency for destructing the messages from everywhere in the system. This gains importance in the case of instant messaging where there is no need for the storing of the messages as well. You have the option of delaying the destruction if necessary. It is possible to time the destruction to occur at a later time. This feature makes this app a very secure one by all means.