If you own an online business or a blog or are planning to get one, you surely know what web hosting is and how important it is. It is the second most crucial or one may even call it an essential part of getting online, first being the website itself. While choosing a good web host, one needs to consider a lot of factors and make a decision accordingly.
Getting a reliable WordPress hosting that does not burn a hole in your pocket is the most important decision you will make when going online or shifting to a new web host. Why is it so? Because without trustworthy hosting, even the best of websites can fail. No matter how beautiful your website looks or how much traffic you gain daily, if your web host isn’t good, you will face the consequences in terms of degraded quality, downtimes, slow loading speeds and lots of other problems.
So why go for paid web hosting when there are free web hosts? Well, it might happen that you may come across free web hosts that provide hosting for free without any monthly or yearly charges. So why shouldn’t you chose these hosts? It is often confused that free web hosts either put unnecessary advertisements on your website or do not provide the kind of flexibility and support that paid web hosts provide. But, good web hosts provide lots of features and plugins with their hosting packages such as website optimization tools and monitoring services which comes in handy when trying to improve the performance of your website.
So, since we have made clear how much a good web host is important for you, why not have a look at the best WordPress hosting service providers in India.
Hostgator – Started back in 2002, Hostgator is one of the most prominent names in the web hosting industry. Hostgator specializes in website hosting, VPS and dedicated hosting services and has hosted over 9 million users so far. If you are looking for an all rounder in terms of web hosting, then Hostgator is one of the best options you can ask for. With affordable prices and good quality services, Hostgator is a good choice for small personal blogs as well as big websites.
Hosting Raja -It is not wrong to say that Hosting Raja is one of the best and most popular hosting service providers in the country right now. Whether you have a small business website or a complete e-commerce solution, the company has a web hosting plan for you. From managed hosting to cloud hosting, VPS hosting, and WordPress hosting, you have plenty of plans to choose from at a cost-effective price. In addition to inexpensive pricing, They provide fully managed WordPress hosting as a part of shared plans. It means, They will install and setup a WordPress for you in your WordPress plan. They also provide WordPress theme worth Rs. 6000 for free with our WordPress website plans in India. The Company will also manage your WordPress and provide backup and restore for your WordPress website.
Bluehost- Bluehost is yet another web host well known for its high quality web hosting. Founded in 2003, Bluehost serves over 2 million users today. With its huge consumer base and good quality web hosting for affordable prices, Bluehost stands apart from other web hosts in its league. With extremely low pricing for most of its shared web hosting plans and free addons, Bluehost can be a great choice for people who are just entering into the online website world or are looking for a change in their web hosting provider.
Siteground– Siteground is a very reputed but somewhat new web hosting company. Siteground was started back in 2004 and is fairly new as compared to some of the reputable players, but it has earned its name by providing good value for money. Siteground is mostly famous for its security features. It provides a number of safeguarding features that most other web hosts don’t provide, at least not for free. Siteground has around 3,50,000 websites hosted on its servers as of now.
InMotion Hosting– InMotion hosting is a US based company and was founded in the year 2001. InMotion is known for providing a wide range of web hosting services such as dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, business class hosting and personal web hosting for people who need cheap plans.
FastComet– FastComet web hosting has its initial roots in the early 2000’s but recently in the year 2013, they shifted completely towards cloud hosting to provide better quality of hosting. FastComet is a considerably large company with over 45000 customers & operating over 83 countries. FastComet specializes in providing packaged solutions.
Those were some of the common types of WordPress hosting providers in India. Now when you have known some leading names on the market, you can now compare their features and plans to choose the best one for you.