
Robots and drones work together to change the future of the retail industry

Manufacturing and agriculture industries started using robots long before the retail industry took up the cue. Today, retail markets are merging with major robot manufacturers like , to create better and faster automated services. The retail industry uses robots and robotic arms or cobots for several tasks that range from helping customers to find items in the store shelves, taking inventories, packing items in boxes, taking orders and many others. To make the retail processes even better, many retailers have introduced the use of drones to work together with the robots. The use of robots and drones benefits both the retailers and the customers.

Benefits of using robots and drones in retailing

·        Convenience

Introducing both robots and drones to the retail market is both convenient for the retailers and customers. Customers can now comfortably make their orders at the comfort of their homes and patiently wait for their deliveries. They do not have to wait or long, because with the new technology, services are apt and very fast. They can make their orders to an automated order service, pay up for their goods and a drone fitted with a GPS system will locate the address and deliver the goods.

The two take away the agony of fuelling a car to go look for parking. The walk through the aisles locating items is another task that robots handle in retail stores today. Making long queues to pay for the items is a thing that robots are slowly taking care of because now you can pay to an automated machine without having to stand behind a long line of other customers to do so. Tired of carrying heavy packages to your car, you do not have to worry about that because there are robots to do that for you. As for the retail staff, they now have the option of carrying out other tasks that do not require automation with ease.

·        Cost effective

The two cut down on costs for both the retailer and the customer. The retail industry has in the past relied so much on human labour. With the introduction of robots and drones, retailers can cut down on many of the costs, which include, hiring extra stuff to fill up places especially during peak hours and seasons, they cut down on salaries and wages, medical fees due to accidents at work places and other overheads. Customers on the other hand cut down costs on fuel and the urge to do impulse buying.

·        Faster services

Robots and drones offer faster servicers as compared to humans. Humans tire easily and will need a rest occasionally. Robots and drones on the other hand can work 24/7 without tiring and make more deliveries at faster rates.

·        Safety

Safety art ye work place is better with robots than it is with humans. Humans are prone to error and a small mistake can make a whole shelf come tumbling down hurting many people on the process. Robots are machines and objects falling on them causes no harm. Using drones for deliveries too is safer because unlike vehicles, the drones are less likely to have any accidents or be caught up in traffic jams. Items delivered reach the owners in good condition, which is not always the case with humans delivering the same items.

Wrapping it up

With the trendiest technology in the market today being delivered by some of the best robot and drone manufacturing companies, both retailers and customers can make better-informed decisions about what they want and how they want it. Services are faster, more polished and safer for both parties. Even though there is the fear that the introduction of both robots and drones in the market may take away the human jobs, far from that is the truth.

Large companies like Amazon, Google, Wal-Mart and many others continue employing more people every year as they also continue increasing the use of automation for their services. Read more about robots in the retail industry from the Universal Robots website.