Among the objectives of search engine optimization is keyword getting or rank your pages rated for a particular keyword or phrase. What could be so hard about choosing the right keywords? I mean, they are logical choices? Wrong! In fact, the art of choosing the right keywords involves a whole lot of science.
There аrе fеw stерs уоu nееd to take to do the task of driving visitors as you make decisions about using the keywords that bring the advantage to your page. Follow them, and you have pages. Don’t follow them and it is likely that you’ll fail to drive visitors.
- Make a list of potential keywords
The first step is the logical one. Make a list of the most important topic covered on a page. No more than eight pairs of 16 total words or words appear on this listing if your site has eight pages of articles then.
Once the list is created, you want to expand it. Using the keyword tool that is free in Google Ad words, enter then, and your two topic words hunt. You’ll be shown some extra information that’s vital to your success and a list of keywords. Repeat this for each pair of keywords which you made.
- Select the keywords or key phrases that make the most sense
So you have a list that has many potential keywords. Now it is time to narrow the list again to select the one or two keywords per page that are both relevant to your content subject and are simple to rank for. There are numerous things to search for here.
- Monthly Global Search Volume (popularity)
- Number of websites competing for ranking (competition)
- Normal page rank of the top ten pages (page rank)
- Estimated cost per click (CPC)
These data come from multiple sources. The ad words return some, like page rank and CPC. You will need another tool to find the true popularity and competition statistics. There are some tools out there for this purpose. I use Rank Tracker myself. It is best to try out a few of the tools.
Deciding the best keywords for your website is a matter of calculating the Keyword Efficiency Index, a ratio which suggests how easy it’s going to be to rank for any particular keyword. The KEI formulation is p2/c where ‘p’ is popularity, and ‘c’ is competition. The higher the number, the easier it’ll be to rank for. I tend to choose keywords or phrases with a KEI within a selection of 5 to 500:1. Higher numbers mean that there’s a lot of competition and lower numbers imply that popularity just is not there.
Once KEI is decided, I look at page ranking. The closer to a ‘pr’ of 1 I will get without surpassing ‘4’ is great. A ‘pr’ of zero would make ranking on the front page a matter of a few days, but they’re few and far between. When the ‘pr’ is as large as four ranking on the front page may take as long as two to three months, but I’ll rank in the top 30 or top three search pages.
Finally, I have a glance in the ‘cpc’ estimate. While I don’t have a range here, I am looking for keywords or phrases that are in the end of the range for any given search. I don’t put much weight on ‘CPC, ‘ but it may help when it comes to making a decision, break a tie.
- Know your niche inside-out
Knowing your niche means that you’ll have an obvious idea about how to arrange the content on your site. It pays to do some research to see how that niche is organized by others if you are not familiar with the niche. Observing the trend of business means that you are more likely than not to pick keywords that people are apt to search for compared to what I call ‘rainbow pie’ key words.
- Choosing the core site keyword
The main keywords you select are. Your effort in research is made here. There’s another keyword you must also select, and that’s the core website keyword. This appears on every page, content or advice and each, on your website. It is the glue holding the site. The website keyword is as generic as they come, the time you can use a ‘rainbow pie’ choice.
That’s it in a nutshell. Keyword ranking is hard work, but it is straightforward. Follow the steps, and you are sure to get a front page Google ranking in the shortest amount of time. If you require further information please follow Seo Services link.