Do you make time in your busy schedule to research computers and software to find the best ones from the wealth of business supplies providers?
Do you remember good old MS-DOS? Are you glad that there’s been unbelievable progress in tools and efficiency, not to mention costs?
If manufacturers discarded new developments and instead of Word and Windows 10 you were asked to revert to Windows 2003 and the inbuilt Works package, how would that affect business?
If you were forced to use a paper ledger instead of one of the leading accounts software packages would you be horrified by the time and labour implications?
Then why do you insist on using stamps when there is a state of the art, cost effective and efficient alternative? Royal Mail franking machines are the future of post.
The stamp is no longer the preferred method which is why Royal Mail are steering people towards franking machines and franked mail which offers the best tariffs available.
They have made huge advances and invested a substantial amount in their franking machine services including reporting tools, VAT reclaim calculations and smart technology.
When you see the benefits you should be ready to leave stamps in the past.
One of Royal Mail’s franking machine benefits, which is only applicable with smart technology franking machines (which they insist all new purchases must be) is Mailmark.
This is the most cost effective franking machine tariff and it offers efficiency and visibility of post whilst it’s in the network.
Companies like IMS Franking Machines in Aldermaston have an excellent range of hireable and purchasable franking machines options for light users through to mailroom users.
- Franking machines cost £1000+ to purchase so many firms find that renting a franking machine is preferable.
- You add credit to the franking machine as necessary, often online.
- A franking machine is quicker than a person manually applying postage stamps to items.
- Mail is processed via the Royal Mail franking machine on site, even packages, special delivery and guaranteed services.
- Free advertising is an impressive tool in franking machines. Logos, slogans and calls to action or targeted messages can be printed on franking machine labels alongside the postage crown and die/cost.
- Business supplies are simple to obtain. 1000 franking machine labels can be bought for as little as £25. Blue ink is widely stocked.
- VAT may be reclaimed when smart franking machines are used.
- Franked mail has dedicated mailboxes for users and mail travels through the system as business post.
- Mail collection from site is possible. For customers who spend less than £15000 with Royal Mail per year a one-off collection costs £14. Free collection is provided to customers who spend over £15000.
Annual subscription for users under the £15000 ceiling is £1700 per annum, which equates to less than £142 per month.
Business supplies experts like IMS Franking Machines help you to save time and money and embrace Royal Mail franking machine technology.