Webinars are meetings that take place over the internet which may be in the form of a presentation, demonstration, discussion, lecture or an instructional session. Webinars help in eliminating barriers of geographical boundaries.
Conducting a live webinars require a lot of planning which can be made easy by using the right tools, i.e. using the s. Setting up a webinar can seem like a daunting task but it can be made easier by selection of the right platforms, such as ezTalks Webinar.
Setting up a webinar
Setting up a webinar can often be a difficult talk with lot of decisions to be made, hardware to be assembled, test runs and trouble shoots before the final run. A webinar setup usually involves with setting up of a microsite, designing a landing page, considering webinar goals and selection of target audience, selection and set up of audio and video hardware and setting, deciding on a appropriate venue to host a webinar and conduction test runs prior to going live.
Setting up a webinar
Selection of the right platform can ease most of your webinar setup requirements and ezTalks Webinar makes setting up a webinar as less daunting task. Find below some features of ezTalks Webinar.
- Allows up to a 100 participants in its free version and up to 500 participants in its paid version.
- Runs across all platforms like iOS, Windows, Android, Macintosh OS X,
- Offers tools like file sharing, photo sharing, screen sharing for a more interactive webinar experience.
- Allows to record and play back webinars.
- Sends notifications for upcoming webinars.
Upon selection of EzTalks Meeting as your webinar platform, users should download and install ezTalks meeting application on their computer or mobile devices and register for its free plan. Than, user needs to login to EzTalks Webinar and click on “start” a meeting to set up webinar.User can also send invites to attendees to attend the live webinar and use various interactive tools offered by ezTalks Webinar as mentioned above to make the webinar session more interactive.
Webinars area powerful tools for a business and should beused effectively to communicate with its clients, off-site teams, employees within the organisation and other stakeholders in the business to gain a competitive advantage over others.