Be sure to show your time of hope – arrive at the institution without delay. Try to leave the house early, drive along the route where there are no traffic problems. Arriving early, you can observe and make some conclusions for yourself for a job in Columbus.
Do not get lost when entering the office – be confident and calm, do not forget about the smile. The candidate’s position is also important – you can not slip, cross your arms or lower your head. Direct posture and an interested look create a good impression for Jobs in Columbus, Oh.
When wondering how to get an interview for a job, remember – you must act naturally and openly. Listen to the interlocutor carefully, and if something is unclear, ask questions right away so that later there is no misunderstanding. Respond clearly and distinctly. Speak confidently, competently, and express thoughts one at a time. Do not exaggerate, do not lie in any case, pay attention to what is useful when working.
The employer is primarily interested in the professionalism of the candidate. But we must be prepared for extra issues. They test the future employee, evaluate his emotional state, adequate and quick wit. Even if these questions seem vicious, do not lose your temper, which is highly valued by employers. No need to be aggressive. It is recommended to remain polite and stay away from unsatisfactory questions, indicating that it has nothing to do with work.
At the end of the interview, the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions. You can ask questions about everything related to work – duties, work schedule, vacations and illness leave. You can ask the reason for leaving the former employee, to make the right conclusion for yourself.
No matter how difficult the interview is, a person may not be nervous, criticize, or interfere with the interlocutor. And to be considered a good person, at the end of the conversation you really need to thank the potential employer for accepting and listening to it.
It is advisable to prepare for an interview in advance, it increases the chances of getting a job, because it is estimated clearly what the conversation will be.
In fact, there is nothing complicated about how to successfully pass an interview when applying for a job. If you have the necessary knowledge and confidence in yourself – everything will work on the first test!
Job interview – a meeting of the employer and the applicant, the results of which decide on the hiring of a new employee. How do you get a job? It is important to follow a few simple rules.
The first “meeting” with the employer took place over the telephone when the question of the appointment of an interview was decided. The first opinion about the applicant was formed at that moment. By phone, you should clarify the full title of the post, ask key questions about future work. Immediately find out if this activity is right for you, and discuss the nuances that might stifle your interest in the task. This will help save both time and your employer. Desperate meetings are rarely helpful.
Write the full company name, contact phone number, interlocutor name. Also determine who to interview. It is very good if in a personal meeting you look at him by name and patronymic. Do not forget to specify the address of the office or other meeting place.
Immediately after a telephone conversation, begin a thorough preparation for the meeting. Prepare clothes, think of a question for the employer, read the information on how to pass an interview correctly.
So, you solved all your first questions on the phone. Start preparing the necessary documents: write a resume and an autobiography. Even if the employer does not ask for it, it is better to have it all at hand. In addition, prepare a passport, diploma (or diploma) of education, certificate, certificate and other similar things. If any of the certificates are not related to the position you seek to occupy with this company, leave it at home.
Carefully study the activities of the company where you are going for an interview. If thinking about how to get an interview, remember that you should show it to an employer
Explore the business site, learn all about the direction of its activities and history. Even if this knowledge is not applied, you will surely be useful in the future.
Those who approach him in time know how to get an interview. If you are late, you will probably need to say goodbye to work. Think ahead of the travel route for the interview. It is better to present in advance and wait in the corridor, remove the chaos there and wipe the exciting sweat from the face. Along the way, think again that you will answer the frequently asked questions, and you will also prepare your own questions. The main thing is that the answers are true. It is undesirable to embellish the facts and invent something to put yourself in a favorable light. Again, talk to the interlocutor so that he understands that you are really interested in his company and working in it. Carefully, you need to answer questions about past actions, about your shortcomings and advantages, failures and achievements. most correct answers to them? How to properly prepare for a job?
Ksenia has conducted hundreds of interviews and knows all the details of this important event. Our guest will share chips and training secrets with HR experts and give effective recommendations to job seekers.
In a previous article, we discussed in detail about. And now they have come to the logical continuation of the subject – pass an interview.
- What is the interview and in what form does it take place
Ksenia, I welcome you. I suggest starting with the most important thing. Please tell us what an interview is, how it went and what kind of interviews existed? This is necessary for our readers to understand where they need to go and what to expect, as for some of them it will be the first experience of getting a job.
Sasha, hi. Let’s start with the definition.
Job interview Is that the process of dating looking for a job and a potential employer (his representative) as a result where the 2 parties want to get the necessary information about how they are together.
There are many types of it.
For example, the number of participants is distinguished between individual and group interviews.
Individual interview in Columbus. One by one, where the employer or his representative on the one hand and the applicant on the other.
Group interview. As a rule, conducted by a professional recruiter (recruiter) on the part of the company in need of staff, with a team of potential applicants for vacancies. Group interviews are often held for mass vacancies in companies, for example, for the position of “sales manager”.
Interviews can also be divided into the number of decision makers. According to this principle, they are divided single level and layered.
As a rule, applicants go through an interviewer for executive positions that do not require a high level of training and good responsibility. Such interviews are called single level, that is, they involve a conversation with someone.
If you want to get the position of a sales consultant in a household furniture store, then more often you will have an interview with the store director, where your further work is expected. This is an example of an interview level.
Multilevel interviews require the applicant to meet representatives of many senior levels.
For example, if you are applying for a marketing specialist position in Columbus at a large company such as Coca-Cola, then you can interview the regional branch head, the head of the company’s plant marketing department and the director of this plant.
Sometimes multi-level interviews are conducted in person at each “level”, and sometimes communication with a candidate is conducted remotely.
Due to the development of modern means of communication, some executives prefer to conduct Skype interviews (less often by telephone).
This is especially true in cases where the applicant is looking for a job with the hope of moving to another region or even to another country.
Often the interview process itself brings stress to the candidate. In fact, as a rule, a person sends his resume to several organizations at once and receives an invitation to undergo an interview, sometimes on the same day, with an interval of several hours.
And every such meeting, in which you need to present yourself promptly, requires both physical and emotional efforts.
- Interview stages
Ksenia, I think our readers have now got an idea about the interview as a process and its features, and now I suggest to discuss the stages that the applicant goes through during the interview and the features of each of them.
In fact, the whole interview process can be conditionally divided into 4 stages:
Phone conversation;
Preparing for a meeting;
Job interview;
Each of them has its own characteristics, which need to be described so that you, as a candidate, go through each stage as efficiently as possible and get the position you are applying for.
Stage 1. Telephone conversation
This is the first stage of direct communication with a company representative where you are applying for a job. This is usually the result of submitting your resume to this company.
If the company is larger or larger, then in most cases the employee responsible for recruiting will call you.
When talking to him, be polite, and also remember his (his) name and better position. Next, specify exactly where you need to arrive, (address) and at what time. Define in
If you need to take something with you, for example, a passport, an education document or a portfolio, the recruiter will tell you about it in a telephone conversation.
Stage 2. Preparing for the meeting
At this stage, I recommend submitting your future interview to a potential employer and “live” it. This will be especially true for people who are afraid of the interview itself or are afraid of not meeting a recruiter.
To tune in to the process and overcome possible fears, I suggest you do an “Meeting with the president” exercise. This is done on the eve of the interview.
Imagine you were invited to the Kremlin and are now sitting in a meeting with the president. The camcorders of the top television channel were directed at you and a group of journalists recorded everything you said.
Try to imagine yourself in this situation and get used to this role. Think about what you asked the president and what you wanted to tell him. What questions will he ask you and how will you answer them publicly.
To do this exercise, stay alone so that no one can distract you and think of such a meeting in all the details for 7-15 minutes.
Then go to your interview. After that “visualization” is guaranteed to be easier for you to get through. After all, you have experienced the most “horrible” interview in your life.
A few more words about preparation.
Preparing for the interview includes 3 important points:
Presentation training and self-training;
Preparing a portfolio (awards, articles about you), works and examples that prove your worth for this vacant space;
Rest and additional entrance to the “resource state”. This term refers to your working condition where you are most concentrated and productive.
Stage 3. Interview
To understand in detail how to get an interview for a job, you need to be prepared for different nuances.
For example, a specialist who conducts a conversation with you will often ask you questions and suggest that you complete the small building (cases).
Case – this is the modeling (analysis) of a problem or non-standard situation and the methods of its solution by the candidate (applicant).
Suppose you are applying for a sales representative or sales manager.
To test your mistake, stress resistance, creative thinking and professional knowledge, a recruiter will provide you with case studies.
Recruiter: You are going to meet an important customer. The key conversations you should conduct, if successful, can bring you a monthly income level and progress. Suddenly in the middle of the road your car crashed. Your actions
You: I got out of the car and tried to get by taxi or car to the client meeting place.
Recruiter: You are driving on a dead road away from the city, with no passing vehicles.
You: I will look at the navigator where I am and call a taxi to this place.
Recruiter: You do not have a navigator and the phone goes down.
You: I will try to fix the car break on my own and then continue driving.
And so your recruiter can “drive you”, every time the conditions in which you find yourself are complicated.
As I understand it, this is done to see if such energy efficiency leads to a stupor and what exit options would you offer (check your creativity)?
Sasha, absolutely right. Also, an HR expert in this case would like to see how long you will try to find a way out of this situation (check your perseverance).
One of the most popular cases is called “selling pens.” It is used primarily in interviews related to hiring sales specialists, but sometimes staff members “play” these games with candidates for other positions.
Stage 4. Summing up
If at a meeting you are held confidently and clearly answered all the questions of an HR specialist, you will have a good chance of getting the desired job and get hired in Columbus.
At the end of the interview you will be told how easily you can be answered if you are hired. If you are going through a lecture topic on multiple levels, then wait for one
I usually say this:
If I do not call you back before such and such a day, it means that we have decided in favor of another candidate.
You can also ask your recruiter exactly when to wait for the interview result and in what form it is.
Now, if I can get a job, I can definitely make possible cases. Ksenia, I’m sure our readers are interested in learning how to behave in an interview and what might confuse an HR expert with the behavior or appearance of a job seeker?
Sasha, really, it is worth understanding that the higher and more responsible the position claimed by the potential employee, the more requests are placed on her.
Let me give you some general key points from my practice that all candidates without exception should be considered when going on a job interview.
Accuracy and orderliness. It applies not only to appearance, but also to your condition as a whole. Never come to an interview for intoxication after a “very good rest” or a sleepless night. In the eyes of a rental specialist you will immediately get the status of “communicators”, and with him the rest of the interview process will be discussed in question.
Kindness and good manners. Whatever position you apply, good manners and good manners will definitely add points to you. Find out the name of your interlocutor and call him by name. Moreover, it is worth meeting the exact he introduced himself. For example, if a recruiter says his name is Ivan, then call him “You.” “Ivan, you said that …” If he said his name and patronymic, then you should contact your interlocutor.
Proficiency in professional terminology. It is universal to consult a recruiter if without abusing terms 3-4 times in your interview, use them, and also explain how you apply (apply) these terms in practice. For example, if you say that in the previous workplace you were able to increase sales by 30% per month, thanks to an increase in conversions, analysis of the number of incoming calls and the size of the average check, then it will count as an addition to you.
The general level of explosion. Also, a few times in each topic, you can mention the popular books you read or seminars in your specialty that you attended during the year. Recruiters pay attention to a person’s craving for knowledge and desire to have self-education. This is especially important if you are applying for leadership or “intellectual” positions in the company.
In a word, you need to “sell yourself” and show yourself on the good side. Moreover, this should be done both from a professional point of view, and from the point of view of general human values and policies. If you want to get a job, it is important to answer the questions of an HR specialist correctly and clearly.
- Interview questions and answers to them
I heard that there are a number of questions that almost all recruiters ask applicants. Ksyusha, can you give some examples and successful answers to them?
Yes of course.
In addition to the cases you will be given in the interview, for the successful passage you will need to answer a number of “confusing” questions. Your recruiter also chose them for a reason.
In fact, deciding to enroll you in a job depends on how you answer them.