Ethical hacking is a profession that people in these generations are interested to peruse. Hacking isn’t bad or stepping into someone’s privacy and stealing information. The professionals who are sound in technical knowledge found the flaws in mobile or web application, websites and warm the firm about the treat. Depends on the intense of the problem or flaw the technician fishes out, firm that owns application or website paybacks them. Payback is a lump sum of money at sometimes. Other than money, it is also fun to fish out someone’s error. If you haven’t heard about ethical hacking before, then you have landed on the right place. This article is going to give a clear idea about what is ethical hacking.
Purpose of ethical hacking:
The intended purpose of ethical hacking is to aid the firm understand the threat and reduce the infiltration of hackers who steal others information. This aids to improve security of the network and the vulnerabilities are root clawed. Ethical hackers do follows the same process like other hackers but their purpose is to increase the safety and security of the network not to steal any private data or information. This makes a way to defend from malicious users.
Hacking in social media:
There are different types available on ethical hacking. They are web application hacking, system hacking, web server hacking, hacking wireless networks, social engineering etc. Nowadays, ethical hackers are mostly up to social media accounts. People in these generations are mostly owns a social media account and loves to spend time over those accounts. Blunders on security of the account affect every common people without their knowledge. The social media firms are also paying good money to the ethical hacker who finds the flaws in their application network. Instagram hack are now easily available on internet. If you wanted to learn ethical hacking, then using such guides available on internet is one of the better options that people.
Hacking steps and procedures:
Hacking isn’t a single process but it is done in various stages. Planning and reconnaissance is the first stage in hacking. In this process, the scope and goals of the tests are defined and along with that, testing methods are also to be followed. Scanning is the next step where how target reacts when intrusion is attempted is understood. This process is completed by two ways one is when the application code is in static mode and the other is when the code is functioning.
Gaining access is the next step to be followed after scanning. In this process, web application is infiltrated using SQL injections, backdoors and cross-site scripting which is helpful un understanding vulnerabilities. Then the access is gained. Once the access is gained, maintaining it is the next step. While maintaining your presence, it is easy to get all the information you need from the network. And the final stage on analysis is compiling the results and rendering the information about vulnerabilities exploited access to the data and time period when the hacker is unnoticed in the network. Hope this article gives a clear idea about hacking.