Lots of news shows up these days about web security lapse. Companies must think about the web security issues while building their websites, but that is the last thing they usually do. People are more concerned about how fast they can go live on the internet, leaving other vulnerabilities unattended.
A gentle reminder for any company making their website is that they should take web security seriously. So, usually people prefer to develop their website by WebsiteBigbang to get rid of the web security issue.
Here are the common mistakes that a web designer mainly a DIY builder makes while creating their website:
- Injection Mistakes: Flaws with injections must be avoided at any cost. If there is an injection flow, there is a chance that unfiltered data get a pass to the SQL, browser, LDAP server, and anywhere else. Those are the layers through which a hacker will inject their commands.
- Cross Site Scripting: Sanitization failure can be done through these types of injections. Here the hacker tags your JavaScript with the help of an application on input. After that when the non-sanitized input returns to the user, it will be carried out by the browser of the user. It is like a link persuading the user to click on it or something similar kind, and then the script runs and can post cookies to the hacker.
- Not Updating Security Settings: Your website security should be personalized using any type of authentications. No website security personal will make mistakes with this, but still, this is one of the most popular mistakes.
- Exposing Sensitive Data: Your sensitive data should be well protected and encrypted. The sensitive information carries credit card details and user passwords, etc. Credit card details should be encrypted, and passwords hashed.
- Function Level Access Control: An authorization failure can disrupt your website. Proper authorization should be carried out when a function is called on the server. Website developers sometimes make a mistake about the fact that the server side generated UI. A hacker can always fake requests via hidden functionality.