The advancement of technology is creating an urge among organizations to retain talent and achieve target based goals. For this, the organizations are implementing the knowledge sharing tools and platforms within the workplace. A knowledge sharing platform is the one that is structure to facilitate the employees in an organization to share their knowledge in a social and secure manner. The privacy of the platform is maintained so that the important information should be enclosed within the business environment. No one from the external environment can have access to the platform. Using a knowledge sharing platform in an organization does not only improve its efficiency but also help the management to achieve its goals with combined efforts of the employees.
Following are some essential benefits of using a knowledge sharing platform in any organization:
- Improves the organization’s growth rate
As the knowledge sharing platform allows the employees to share their thoughts and ideas about any problem or the decided goal, everybody gets a chance to show his capabilities. Everyone tries to give as many ideas as he can. Doing so, the management can get multiple solutions (or ideas to improve the solutions) of the problem and implement the most efficient one. In this way the growth rate of the company improves, when the target goals are accomplished.
- Stimulates the innovation
The main objective of any organization is to increase its revenue and market share, but it may be a problem when there is a tough competition in the market and you are not using new techniques. In such a case innovation is the best solution. All the business operations can be improved when the employees will use latest techniques. The knowledge sharing platform will make the employees closer to bring the best solutions.
- Reduces decision making time
One of the best advantages of the knowledge sharing platforms is that, it reduces the time to get the desired results. For an instance, if the management wants to implement any new rule within the organization, it will be implemented as soon as the management delivers the message in the platform. In the same way, all the employees are allowed to give their reviews within the discussion page that emerges different ideas.
- Keeps the record of information
Another advantage of using the knowledge sharing tool is that, it provides the services of knowledge management tool. The management can get access to all the information or the discussion available in the portal anytime. This is helpful in such a situation, if all the accessed solutions does not work, you can check or extract new solutions from the discussed information. The management can also highlight the most participating employees and give rewards and other gifts to encourage them. By this way, more and more employees will come with new and innovative ideas.
- Connects all the employees of the organization (Synchronization)
The main function of a Knowledge sharing platform is to connect the organization’s employees. It does not only enhance employees’ liberty to present their ideas but also support the improved decision making process. If the company has outsourced any of its activities then mobile app helps the outsourced employees to connect to the company no matter where they are. The distant employees don’t need to wait for the weekly or monthly meeting to present the result of the progress, but they can provide the real time updates whenever possible.
The knowledge sharing tools help the employees and the managements of the organizations to work well and increase synchronization. This increases the overall performance. Thus you can say that the tool is one of the element that can enhance the company’s performance by 30% to 40% depending upon the situation, culture, and the workplace environment.