Instagram was gaining popularity in leaps and bound, so is the business opportunities who use this social media for marketing purpose. It is amazing to know 80% of over a billion active profiles follow a business account. Interactive features like Instagram stories are making this social platform more interesting and stimulating. You can use this tool for recruiting employees, display your products, services, company culture, and to generate new business. It gives a humanitarian and social face to your organization. Instagram Followers is a barometer of your company’s brand value and popularity. It takes some sincere devotion and effort daily to grow your followers.
Steps to Grow
There are some easy and simple steps you can take immediately to increase your followers. Customize your profile to make it look impressive, tell your potential customers about your company and give them a good reason to follow you. Choose a username which resembles your business name keep it simple and easily searchable. Make the first part of your username such that people searching for your business likely to find you soon. Always give your full business name in the Name field in the options section. This will make your business name appear under your profile picture, which is a bonus. Always keep your profile as Public so more Instagram Followers can follow you without your permission.
Fascinating recognizable Username
Choose a profile picture that resembles your company image or logo, which makes the profile more recognizable. Provide information about your company in a pleasant, appealing, and informative way these keep people more engaged. Paint your profile with a dash of your personality and leadership quality, which makes it alluring to potential customers. Inserting link to your bio to your company`s website opens an avenue who want to know more about you and your company. This feature opens a new horizon for you. When you have 10,000 followers, you can add it to your Instagram stories till then this link is inserted in your bio only. Enable notification which allows you to know when people share or make comments on your posts. To enable it first go to options, and then to “Push Notification Settings.”
Quality not Quantity
Good quality and impressive photo do a lot of talking for you. Poor quality posts and photos should never be posted on Instagram as it hampers your company’s image. Get familiar with photography basics and editing apps so that you can make your posts more exciting and vivid. Since Instagram is a mobile app, most of the photos are taken from your smartphones. While taking snaps, just remember a few tips. Focus on the subject, try to negate negative space, make background interesting, look for symmetry, and add a dash of humor to it. Editing makes your photos more colorful, enchanting, and outstanding.
Keep in mind your demographic target audience so that you can post at the right time and frequency so they can be followed easily. This becomes more important if your larger audience stays in a different time zone. Captivating captions with great photos can do wonders for your company’s brand name and image and gives it a humanizing face that woos many followers.