Businesses that have figured out how to gain real Instagram followers have found it to be a marketer’s dream. Building a large “real” following on Instagram leads to more brand awareness, traffic to your website, etc., and more sales for your business. Following are tips that will help you get real Instagram followers and lucrative end results.
Post Consistently
The more consistently you post (at least once a day) the more followers and engagement you’re going to get. If you don’t post consistently, your followers will more than likely forget about you and what you have to offer. Your goal should be to keep your followers interested, engaged and coming back for more. Besides posting incredible content, if you want to get real Instagram followers, you need to post consistently
Use Creative Captions
A good Instagram caption can transform a good post, into an incredible one. It doesn’t make if you prefer to write posts that are informative, interesting, or amusing, as long as they are not boring.
Run a Contest
Running a contest or a giveaway is a great way to grow real Instagram followers. Choose a theme that will appeal to your audience, post it and caption it explaining how to enter. Make “follow us”, “like” and “tag a friend” some of the rules of entry into the contest. This will spread awareness of your contest as well as encourage more people to enter. Collaborating with other companies on Instagram is also a good way to extend your reach.
Geotag Photos
Wherever you go, Geotag your location. This will help you reach new potential followers who’ll more than likely be interested in your content. Consumers today commonly search geotags to find posts of a certain area, whether they’ trying to find out what’s going on in the area or planning a trip there. So, if you post amazing photos of Seattle – tag them. If you’re on holiday in Fiji – tag it! There’ll always be somebody searching the geotag, making it a fantastic way to get your name in front of more people.
Self Promotion
Self promote yourself on your other social platforms because you probably don’t have all the same followers on your Facebook,Twitter, etc., accounts. Encourage your connections on these various platforms to follow you on Instagram. You’ll be surprised by how effective this tip can be.
Take Advantage of Hashtags
Creating unique hashtags isn’t just a great way to get real Instagram followers, it’s an effective branding tool as well. Hashtags will also help you build community and boost engagement. Another good rule of thumb when using hashtags is to switch them up in each post to prevent a “spammy” feel.
Don’t Forget a Call to Action
If you don’t use a “call to action” you’re losing out on a huge opportunity to get real Instagram followers. Encouraging users to turn on your post notifications with a call to action is a great way to improve your engagement and following. This will notify people the instant you post, which makes them more likely to engage with your post right away. The good news is that when a post receives a short burst of engagement after you’ve posted, it can trick Instagram’s algorithm into promoting your post, putting it at the top of people’s feeds.
The tips listed here will help you get targeted Instagram followers people who are interested in what you have to offer and that actually engage.