
5 Tips for Maintaining Your Boiler This Coming Winter

While everyone hopes autumn sticks around for a little longer, winter is on the horizon – and you’ve got to be prepared, particularly when it comes to heating your home. Boilers can be tricky things, and no one wants to be struggling with a broken boiler on the coldest day of the year. Getting your boiler in shape now will help prevent costly replacements come December or January.

1: Test your heating

Give your boiler a try before the winter months – a test run will help you decide whether your heating is working well enough to last you through the winter. Check your heating so you can fix any problems while the weather is still good. Checking your boiler also means knowing how to operate it – this may seem strange, but many people call a boiler repair technician for their broken boiler when the problem is simply that they couldn’t turn it on. Try relighting the pilot light or resetting the boiler if the system has stopped working. Knowing how to do this before winter comes makes it easier to cope if you have a problem during a cold snap. Look over the instruction manual for the boiler so that you know how everything is supposed to work.

2: Check the pressure

If you have a combi boiler, you may find that it stops working when the pressure drops. It is worth checking the pressure dial on the boiler (and in the first place, finding where the pressure dial actually is) and checking the radiators for leaks if there is a recorded drop in pressure. If there is no sign of a leak, you can still increase the pressure of the boiler by hand – use the valve handle (check the instruction manual and make sure the boiler is turned off first).

3: Bleed your radiators

Bleeding your radiators is a job for the autumn, and you should do this once a year to make sure the radiators are functioning well. You can find out if there is air trapped within the radiators by testing for cold patches. Follow the instructions in the manual for this, and call a professional if there are still cold patches on the radiators after you have finished the job.

4: Get your boiler serviced

This tip is particularly applicable to older boilers that may have seen better days. You need to pay careful attention to your boiler if it is old – replacement boilers can be costly, and you don’t want to be without heat in the winter. Service the boiler once a year by calling a professional boiler technician. Fix any faults before the winter months.

5: Consult the professionals

Speaking of professionals: If all else fails – and boilers can be temperamental – always keep the number for professional MEP Engineers handy so you know who to call when you need your boiler fixed.