Pilfering or stealing of design happens all the time. Ideas are stolen and huge money is made out of it. One of the major incidents that recently occurred was with the designer ‘Tuesday Bassen’. Zara, the Spanish clothing and accessories retailer also faced similar problem. The controversy was all over.
Now the question is how would you actually protect your online work from being pilfered? The present world is digitally ruled. This means if you are not sharing your work online, you are not getting noticed at all. And not getting noticed means, you’re not making money.
Here are some of the prevention methods you can use to protect your design work on the World Wide Web:
- Add Watermarks to Images
This is probably the easiest and most distinguishable method to protect your art. You simply need to add watermark to image. The process is easy. Just check out a stock photography site online. All of their images are covered in watermarks for preventing thieves from making use of images without payment.
This process is very easy to undertake and time saving.
- Image Posts Digitally
Information about data or Metadata is created each time you take a picture or upload something to site online. For instance a digital camera or the one you use through your phone will mark the day a photograph was taken and even the time it was taken. Other information about type of camera used and even location of camera at that specific time is also recorded. Developing digital copies of your work will help you store crucial info about when precisely a piece was created. It will help a great deal in case of copyright infringement as you can prove that you were actually the inventor of an idea.
The process is automatic and provides exact date when the work was created.
- No Right-Click
Most of the content from a website gets copied because people get access to right clicking it and copy paste to the desired destination. Many sites also allow options for downloading an image by right clicking with mouse and choosing “save file as.” This is totally unfair. After all, you have worked many hours to create that specific image and somebody can simply seize it without your permission. The activity can be conducted in less than thirty seconds. So it is better to disable the ability to right click on an image/text. This will prevent users from saving copies of your work.
- Publish Smaller Images or Get them in Low-Res
Nobody likes to steal inferior, low-res stuff. It is a great way to prevent people from stealing your images directly. So add these images and prevent your website from being copied. For more information on keeping your website and its content protected, visit www.smanikdesign.com.
- Copyright Warnings
It really helps to add a copyright warning to your website. This acts as a nice reminder to viewers about your ownership of art on display. Having a copyright footer on website helps because people tend to get scared of these notices and don’t want to get into any legal trouble. Potential infringers are put on notice. All you need to do is put © 2016, your name and the rights you claim on the art. The process is easier to undertake and universally recognized.