As little as five years ago people couldn’t even imagine how Augmented reality technology can influence marketing and totally change its trends.
But today AR has reached worldwide popularity so that it is far easier for companies to stand out today and earn the loyalty of its target audience. What is more, according to statistics its growth is expected to reach $117.4 billion by 2022. So there is no doubt that such marketing strategy is the future of e-commerce.
New AR applications come out every day and give the customers an incredible shopping experience. You can rise to the force in your market segment, and AR is a key for success. Why? There are 5 reasons why Augmented reality (AR) is a must-have for e-commerce:
- Authentic presentation of product
Let your customers interact with a product and understand its features without visiting the real store.
In case of buying furniture AR technology allows your clients to make sure if the couch and table fit their guest room. They can place a virtual furniture everywhere they want and change its color in online mode. The same is about buying clothes. Looking at the pictures and instructions can`t ensure customers if clothing and accessories suit them. But AR makes it real to see how chosen pants or dress look like and allows to virtually changing their look in a matter of seconds. All these help your customers be confident about their purchase.
What is more, this advantage concerns every physical product you sell online – from watches and jewelry to furniture and wallpaper.
- Sales growth
The technology of Augmented technology slowly captures the consumers` interest by creating connection between real and digital world. Ecommerce companies in turn may take part in that and rise up on tide of new tech. Why don`t you become one of them?
Most of e-commerce businesses are in the process of Augmented Reality adoption in larger scale basis. People are able to visualize product in online mode. This increases the conversion rate to a great degree and decrease the return rate to a minimal. All that helps to supplement your standing customer list with more and more happy online shoppers, and leads to sales growth.
- Buyer`s top preference
People find AR technology extremely useful and easy-to-use due to those reasons we have already mentioned. Statistics show that interest in AR is increasing quickly in the consumer market. The number of AR users is projected to grow from 60 million in 2013 to 200 million by 2018. Today ecommerce is a $1.5 trillion market while representing 6% of all retail spending worldwide. Only 2.4% of respondents in 2017 survey by Vibrant Media treat traditional ads more convenient.
Great perspective, isn’t it? Keep up!
- The more you invest the more return.
The pricing for producing Augmented reality content is quite high, and it is pretty warrantable. But the more technology becomes widely adopted, the lower pricing on it tends to be. Subsequently, the number of online stores that use AR technology is about gradually increase. Then you can miss your chance to become one of those top companies that increased their brand value due to AR.
Mobile industry works towards quick developing AR contents that leads to sales driving and longtime growth for any ecommerce business. For reference, in 2014, 600 million dollars were spent on AR advertising. By 2020, the amount spent will reach 12.8 billion. Surely, businesses find AR to be profitable despite the higher initial cost.
So it`s a high time to make hay!
- AR is the Future
AR technology is continuing reaching of worldwide recognition in numerous other industries as medicine, gas and oil, public safety, tourism, entertainment and games and others. So now it`s up to you – to be or not to be the part of such a promising digital future.=
Our advice is to be !