If you are reading this page of our website, it is very likely that you have already dealt with pseudo web masters or freelancers who showed up at your business, offering you the best website at the lowest price on the market! or worse yet you entrusted the creation of your website to one of your cousin or a relative genius of computers, and you found yourself with a page with dated and unprofessional graphics and with 0 tangible results in terms of conversions? Sometimes, the above problems are caused by a lack of knowledge about what you have to have before starting your new professional website.
Before you start any step, you must know what you need to involve in your project otherwise you will get results that are not in accordance with what you want.
The figures involved in a website creation project!
Let’s do a bit of clarity first of all about the various figures and professionals in the sector who deal with shaping and coding in a web project!
The Chart: It deals with the realization of all the graphic part necessary for the web project.
Web Designer: Assembles the graphics on a template made of code files and images necessary for the correct display of the web design on all devices on the market today.
Web Master: Often confused with the figure of the web designer, he is responsible for keeping the website updated.
SEO Specialist: Takes care of all the technical part necessary to bring the website in the first positions of Google for the selected keywords.
Web Copywriter: Often supported by the SEO Specialist who will give the directives to write the texts in an SEO perspective.
Web Marketer: A figure specialized in web marketing, studies and implements strategies to bring traffic and conversions to your website.
Web Project Management: It deals with coordinating all the figures related to the web project.
Social Network Specialist: Commonly also called moderator even if the latter is only responsible for moderating comments, while the Social Network Specialist deals with the Web marketer to implement the right strategies on social networks.
Video Maker: Very popular in recent years, the video maker is responsible for shooting small commercials, or videos that are then assembled following the cut and style agreed together with the Web Project Management and Web Designer.
The photographer: Takes care of taking pictures according to the client’s requests, agreeing with the web designer the cut, the size and the effect to be obtained from the shot.
By understanding the above figures, you can determine the right direction in making and developing your website. Good luck and just do it!