When using 3D Structured Light Optical Scanning, it is done so to iron out the more complex issues of a difficult scan. Some objects do not scan well under ordinary 3D scanners. Often there are transparent surfaces or dark and shiny textures that make the scanning operation just that little more challenging.
In the aerospace, auto and power generation industries there are great demands for absolute accuracy in some of the parts and physical objects that are being scanned. The optical light-based scanners (which use structured light) projects and scans to the surface a series of patterns.
These patterns are like parallel stripes that use light as a projection source. The scanner then has cameras which capture images of the surface and the scan then calculates the distance from the light source to the surface.
Interference with the Scanning Process
Sometimes the surface absorbs the light when scanning dark objects. Moreover, light seems to scatter in all directions when scanning shiny objects and transparent objects can mean the scan light goes right through the material altogether (glass being an obvious example).
Dual Cameras Aid the Laser Scanning
3D Structured Light uses dual cameras as well as the scanning process to compensate for these anomalies. Using 3DSL Optical Scanning is very much best left to the experts. The UK’s largest service provider of 3D optical measurement supplies is Physical Digital.
It is an expert in the field of high-accuracy, non-contact 3D scanning. It delivers a fast solution at a reasonable price and offers mobile visits to site as well as scanning at its environmentally-secure cell in Surrey.
It is a specialist for metrology in the aerospace industry and can easily use non-contact 3DSL optical scanning in the motor industry. Physical Digital also provides world-renown GOM 3DSL optical scanning systems for the power and utilities firms.
Accuracy and Precision is Crucial for Business
An accurate scan that is correct to the finest detail is important for production in practically all of the businesses it works alongside. Using 3DSL Optical Scanning with Physical Digital means the project is essentially seen through by engineers from the beginning to the end.
The broad range of industries which are served by this technology stretch well beyond the automotive, aerospace and power generation sectors. It also has aided and helped with 3DSL optical scanning services for the art, architecture, jewel and artefacts finder industries.