When a job advertisement comes up, there will probably be tens or hundreds of resumes to filter through, before the right candidate is identified. The process is quite tiring, and it can be time-consuming. This is where ATS software comes in handy; it sifts all applications before documents that pass this stage, are checked by individuals physically. The details below, unpack the ATS to bring a better understanding.
What Does It Refer To?
Applicant tracking systems are essential tools in the recruitment process because they can search through multiple documents for keywords. Their mode of operation is certainly different from that of recruiters, who strive to reject prospective job seekers based on lack of relevant skills or spelling errors.
The software scans through the details of every candidate to select those who are fit for the position that has been advertised.
How the Software Works
Any job applicant that submits their resume for consideration through an ATS will have the information stored in the system, and an entry is provided in the database. Employers looking for future employees can use keyword searches to find the skill, and experience relating to a particular opportunity. If your details happen to be captured, you will rank higher in the results.
Current employees in an organization stand a chance of getting promoted because it is possible to command the ATS software to search the entire firm, for those with qualities to fill a particular vacancy. Social media is another platform that this system uses to find fresh talent, and as long as your details are available on the ATS, you can get a new appointment even if you submitted them some time back.
Search Engine Optimization
The SEO concept is meant to capture information that meets certain requirements for higher ranking. It is the same approach that ATS assumes. Therefore, job seekers need to tailor the information they provide, to get noticed and attain a high ranking. Anticipating keywords that employers or the ATS are likely to find, is critical in increasing your chances of securing an interview.
Elimination of Fluff
Anyone trying to secure a position to work with a particular firm should avoid using fluff in their resume. When prospective recruiters are using keywords to find the right people to take up various posts through the ATS, they use specific phrases. For instance, when looking for a “hotel manager” one can type “restaurant manager,” “hospitality,” or “hotel manager.” The implication is that if you opt to use “team player” or “outgoing,” you will probably miss out on chances that present themselves. The software captures phrases that are closely related to every job opportunity, but fluff content, either ranks low or is eliminated.
Getting a face to face interview depends on your ranking on the ATS software, and optimizing your particulars to fit the requirements of a particular employer. Those who embrace these aspects attain a higher ranking on search results are chances of getting hired are greater.