Do not believe the scientists? Check the average visitor’s time on your site. If the user spends less than 3 minutes on the site, then the answer is obvious you cannot force the client to wait 5 minutes. He will close the site and forget about it.
There is no deferred answer and cannot be. And now the quick response to the client is your competitive advantage, because not all companies pay due attention to this parameter. How not to miss the client? We have prepared several recommendations for chat consultants.
Instantly respond to chat
The client has written and you see an incoming request in the operator’s application. Accept the request as quickly as possible. We recommend answering in less than 15 seconds. Configure hotkeys to accept the dialog, for example, Ctrl + R. For the mobile chat the rules are different.
Be sure to say hello
So you let the customer know that the service has begun and you can relax. Answer the greeting to the customer in the same way that he greeted you: “Hello” answer “Hello”. The client tells you “Good morning!” copy his greeting and respond to him as well, there is nothing worse than a dry bureaucratic “Hello!”.
“Peep” at the client
The online site has a print monitoring that allows you to “pry” the customer. You will see the client’s message before sending it to the chat, and you can already begin to prepare a response. Be careful with this feature and do not accidentally send the answer to the client before he wrote the question. He will perceive such a premature message negatively, as if you interrupted him during a normal conversation.
Hold the client in dialogue
If solving a client’s question requires additional time, be sure to notify the client about it. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to let the client know that you have gone to seek a solution and will return to it very soon.
Here are a few options
Let me clarify what this is connected with, and come back a little later with the answer. The mobile chat happens to be perfect there.
Just a couple of moments
- At this time, we usually respond within XX minutes
- Analysis of your problem will take XX minutes
- Clarify information, stay in the chat, please
You can ask a cross-clarifying question and take the client while he is waiting for your answer. If the client is impatient and hurries you, just describe what you are doing: for example, “I’ll clarify the information with the manager”. This will give the client to understand that you are really dealing with his problem, and not disappeared.
If you understand that in 10 minutes you don’t solve the client’s problem, ask for e-mail or other contact information in case the client leaves the site.