When you host your website security and reliability are the basic expectation from the hosting provider. What happens if you lose data for some reason? What about security threats? How are back-ups managed? Are these the responsibilities of the hosting provider or do you have to take care of them yourself? While most hosting plans endeavor to offer the best in terms of reliability, Cloud has redefined reliability in hosting. In this article, we will look at the three important aspects that make Cloud Hosting the most reliable hosting option available today.
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Automatic Failsafe
Reliability of a hosting plan depends on how susceptible it is to failure. In Cloud Hosting, there is no single point of failure since it works on a network of virtual servers. So, if one server experiences a downtime, other servers automatically kick-in. This, of course, depends on the type of storage architecture chosen by the Cloud Hosting provider.
Some hosting providers use Ceph Storage which has an inherent failsafe built into it. Ceph offers a 3N level of redundancy and is distributed with no single point of failure. It replicates the data making it tolerant to faults and does not require any specific hardware support. It can heal and manage itself.
Automatic Back-up
Back-up is the mantra of technology. If you experience any loss of data, then the first thing that you will look for is a stable restore point. These restore points are a result of complete website back-ups. You can take these back-ups yourself but it will involve a lot of time and resources. A good cloud web hosting provider will ensure that automatic and comprehensive back-ups of your website are taken periodically. This adds to the reliability.
Security tools
Hackers, viruses, and nasty codes are some of the security issues that you need to protect your website from. There cannot be any compromise on this front since such threats can dampen the performance of your website, to say the least, and even cause data loss. A good Cloud Hosting provider ensures that the latest security tools are provided with the hosting plan. Some premium tools like CodeGuard and SiteLock may also help to improve the security.
- CodeGuard – offers an automatic backup solution and monitors your website and database regularly. It alerts you if any changes are detected.
- SiteLock – screens your web presence and identifies security gaps, if any.
In a nutshell, the way Cloud Hosting is designed ensures that it offers a reliable platform for your web hosting needs. By deploying some advanced and premium tools and storage architectures, Cloud Hosting providers can ensure that the reliability offered by their plans is unparalleled. Before selecting a cloud provider, ensure that you look for these aspects to get the maximum out of the reliability and security aspects of Cloud Hosting.