Modern consoles use touch surfaces for their on / off buttons. If you are a night player, or a rogue who runs away from time to time to take a quick game, you may be interested to know what is the hidden option on Xbox One that silences the beep when activated. In the Energy and start section, choose the start sound option and uncheck the activation by touching the button. Compared to the classic console games, these new platforms offers you many things. Let’s have a look on these new cool features.
Disconnected status
Another of the tricks of Xbox One is that your profile appears as disconnected. The console needs constant Internet access, but if you want to enjoy a quiet session or practice your combos without your contacts’ annoying you try the following: Select your profile and in the section appear ‘offline’ determines what things you want to be available on the network for or if you want to ‘disappear’.
Assign new functions to the command
When you migrate from one console to another there are controls that change, especially in some games. In the interface there are also controls that change and if you want to configure your control system for a new one you will have the option to map your command. Modify the accesses of each button and assign them a new function, although if it does not convince you, you can always return to the default settings.
Activate automatic playback
The console detects the type of disc you insert at the moment, whether it is a game or a movie. If you want to save the steps of entering the disc, select the playback window and activate it by a simpler method, we recommend activating the automatic playback that is available in the Disc and Blu-Ray tab.
Place the background that you like
Another of the most important functions of Xbox One is to put the wallpaper that you like the most. In personalization and background you will find flat colors to change the appearance, although you can also place an image that you have on a pen drive or download from the Internet. Xbox One has many more applications beyond the games you download from Gold. Netflix, for example, is also enabled and you can make it bigger to find it sooner.
Conclusion: Remove notifications
Achievements, connection alerts from your friends or game invitations are some of the most frequent notifications, but you may want to mute some of them. To do this, in the Notifications section of the Preferences section. When you are playing titles of shots sound is very important, especially when you are coordinated with your team. To avoid having to constantly ask for silence to listen to the footsteps of your enemy in the game you can choose the volume level of the game and the Skype overlay. Within the sound options you will find the Chat section, where you can set the speech limit of conversations.