The processor is the central processing unit (CPU) of the computer, that is, it is the part whose function is to perform calculations for the execution of software code. In practice, the processor receives the user’s instructions, processes the data based on the instructions stored in its internal memory and returns the files, sending them to the video card, which will display the information to the user. This is a complex and very important component for all PC tasks. Understand more about the features of this component and check out all our options. The use of the i7 9700k CPU Cooler is quite important.
Processor: understand technical specifications
In order to know a little more about how a processor works and to have more information to choose the ideal model for your PC, it is important to understand the technical specifications of this component.
The socket is the type of physical connection that exists in the processor to connect it to the motherboard. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most important features when choosing your processor, as it is the chip socket that will be your base for choosing the motherboard model, which must have a fully compatible connector.
It is important to remember that each type of socket is compatible with different generations of processors and, consequently, with different features and functionality.
Internal clock
Clock is the characteristic that indicates the number of cycles per second of the synchronism signal inside the processor. On Intel processor models, such as Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, Core i9 and AMD processor, such as Ryzen, Ryzen Pro, Ryzen Threadripper, the most common on the market, there is also dynamic overclocking technology, which increases speed processor clock automatically in situations where the chip has a large processing load.
Processing cores
A processing core is the processor itself, however, there are some models developed with more than one core, which, in practice, means that there is more than one processor in the same package. Two, four, six and eight-core processors are called dual-core, quad-core, hexa-core and octa-core.
Cache memory
It is an extremely fast memory located inside the processor. The more cache memory the component has, the more efficient it will function, since the memory stores important data for processing the most recent or most performed tasks by the machine. This optimizes the operation of the processor, which depends a lot on RAM.
TDP (Thermal design power)
This feature indicates how much heat is dissipated while the processor is running. Ideally, you should choose a component with the lowest possible TDP, as this indicates that the chip will consume less energy and decrease heat generation.
Processor: what are the advantages of having multiple cores?
A multi-core processor is a good option for users who perform multiple tasks at the same time or even users who need a high-performance computer, such as a gamer PC or a PC used for editing videos and images.
Each core works as an independent processor, which allows a greater number of tasks to be performed per clock cycle.
Processor: your PC’s speed doesn’t just depend on that part
It is important to keep in mind that although processor models with more than one core are advantageous, this does not necessarily mean that a quad-core processor is faster than a dual-core processor. This depends on the architecture of the chip and also on the program you use. To use the power of four cores, for example, the software must be written to use all of those cores; otherwise, the chip will be used in the same way as any other.