Ever wondered about the most interesting and the liveliest outdoor sports! Yes, no doubt it’s FOOTBALL. All the excitement that boils down to it being played by yourself. The excitement on the field can be recreated or in some sorts redesigned again. Yes, play it on your own using virtual currency. There goes a goal, you enjoy, there’s a miss you cry out loud. Such is the liveliness and enthusiasm. This is the ultimate experience for you to live. Simple procedure, a simple set of rules and a brief knowledge of the game that’s all you need and guess what you are ready to go all guns blazing. The details and every bit will be analysed for you down below. Rules and set of instructions are also briefed in here.
Play and enjoy football betting at ufa800.com.
What is FIFA coin?
Every one of us is aware of the concept of bitcoin or say some sort of virtual currency. Yes, it’s almost the same, you enter into a world of virtual random values based on the value you choose, in simpler words, you are provided with virtual currencies to proceed in the journey of excitement. Now, when after attaining the particular value of the virtual currency you are free to spend it in any form, be it an exchange or be it putting it on stake. Yes, now when you have money to spend, it’s on you to use it wisely, you can share it with a friend, buy players using your discretion. There is a particular time duration for which those players can be bought. The beauty is that these values, the virtual ones can be cashed back and hence you have the chance to get the desired profit based on your decisions.
How to use FIFA coin?
Fifa coin, a virtual currency, gives you a particular amount to spend. The stepwise process to follow it is given:
- Go to the site fifacoin.com
- On the site you, you will be shown login page, either if you already have an account, go and login or you can create your account.
- Once you have created your account, one can go and choose the console manual i.e. PS4, XBOX OR PC. The settings and further processes get compiled according to your setup.
- Forgetting those virtual currencies, you need to select a particular value of that. The currency has particular real-life currency value which will be shown in the bar. (The conversion rate is real time and you can see the real currency value in the box)
- The site provides you with various payment options select any of the methods, you can also enter any coupon code if there are any.
- You can then checkout and now the virtual currency is yours it’s on you to use it up.
- It’s time for you to enter the auction room, where you get to select the player amount and duration (Player Auction 3.0).
- A player is available for a particular period of time, depending on the amount spent on it. If the price is <60% of the Max price (if max price>10k) player duration:1 day and so on.
- Now you enter an auction room, where you are displayed with the player pricing details and the player, the start price and the current price of that player.
- You may also get suggestions for a particular price range, however, it’s on you to use them.
- Now you own a player for a particular duration, you can now checkout with your buy option.
- Any details of the purchase you have done can be checked in the “Delivery History.”
ROBO P2P System:
Also, there is another way to get into the auction again by choosing Robo P2P system. All you have to do is follow the above procedure in the same order except for choosing Robo-Auto System 3.0 you have to choose, Robo P2P System. The purchase for this system can thus be done and the player is yours to explore. You can then go into the game and make sure the player performs so that you earn maximum profit.