Mobile apps have become the second most important thing in our lives, besides breathing. Isn’t it so? From the time we wake up in the morning to the time we fall asleep, the mobile apps remain our companion. These mobile applications eased our lives, added value to our existence and much more. However, this rapidly growing need for mobile apps has also resulted in the availability of numerous bug and error-prone applications in the mobile market. How?
To launch their applications at the earliest, the mobile application development companies often overlook the App testing and quality assurance process – the secret weapon that can make or break a mobile app. But no more, with this inclusive list of best automation tools, you will be able to perform app testing and leave no space for errors, and that also without investing much human efforts and time into the process. So, are you keen to know these tools?
Here we go!
Best 7 Tools to Streamline Your App Testing Process
Appium is one of the topmost automation tools used for mobile application development. It is open-source, based on client-server architecture, easy to install and use, and employs vendor-provided information for automation of native, hybrid and mobile web apps build for Android and iOS platforms.
The WebLOAD is an amazing load, stress and performance testing tool for both the mobile and web applications. It provides an analytic dashboard for performing RCA (root cause analysis) of the issue as well as supports integration with other testing tools like Selenium and Perfecto mobile.
HP LoadRunner is yet another load and performance testing tool preferred by the recognized mobile application development firms. Provided by Hewlett Packard, this QA and testing tool lets you test your application on both mobile and cloud. It supports testing over a wide range of applications and in a myriad of environments, enabling you to do RCA and launch a bug-free application.
It is an automation testing tool that helps you to test the UI of native Android and hybrid apps and the mobile web using the Android driver webview app. It supports gestures, interacts with multiple devices, encourages hot plugging of hardware devices, and offer built-in inspector to ease the test case development.
SauceLabs is a cloud-based web and mobile automation testing tool that allows you to run your app in the cloud over 800 different browsers, OS and devices. It provides an extensive test infrastructure for automated and manual testing of applications using Appium, Selenium and JavaScript unit testing frameworks and also let you see the live breakpoints while running the test and look into the problem effectively. Besides, it also offers a secure testing protocol called Sauce Connect for testing apps behind the user firewalls. And the best part is that the mobile app developers may also resort to a private real-device cloud with this testing tool. Impressed?
If you wish to go beyond the emulators for testing your application, the Kobiton is the right tool for you. It allows you to test your mobile app on different devices and screens and even experiment with the gestures like tap, swipe and scroll.
Robotium is another impressive testing tool preferred by mobile application development companies. It is easy to write and enables the developers to write function, system and acceptance test scenarios around multiple Android activities. And this way, it let you test the application both when the source code is available and when you only have the APK file.
So, why are you still standing numb? Update your toolset with these best automation testing tools and employ them while developing a mobile app for better outcomes.